More of His Spirit
This week most of our Bible studies were postponed because of the campaign in Laurel. The campaign was only 5 days long, but we were happy to see several people from our Bible studies come out to the meetings. Out of all of our guests that came out to the meetings we were most surprised that Lety responded to an altar call that was made one evening. When we began doing Bible studies with Lety, her daughter, and her daugter-in-law she was often distracted and uninterested. Only recently, within a week or two of the meetings starting up, did we see a change in her during our studies together. She began to follow the studies more closely and was even completing her Bible study lessons. The Holy Spirit was awakening her and during the meetings we got to see her make a bold response in front of others. We look forward to starting back up our Bible studies with Lety and her family and others that had come to the meetings to see God continue to work in their lives.
This past Sabbath we attended a church in a good sized town called Madero. We got to hear about the 56 years of history of how the church began and has grown over the years. It was amazing to hear how long the church had existed because we had come to see the congregation become an official church.
We have begun a church-wide 40 days of prayer. Each day their are small groups coming together early in the morning praying for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Long ago the apostolic church came together in the same manner for the same reason and received God’s blessing. The preaching that came as a result was powerful and lives were cleansed from sin and revival took place among God’s people. Today, we need this now more than ever as the doors to the heavenly sanctuary begin to close as Jesus is soon to come. Please join us in prayer.
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