Help Is On The Way
There are many times in the mission field when the needs of the people you were sent to serve are far above and beyond what you are capable of meeting. The only place you can go for help is to God. This is when prayer is taken to another level. it goes from a heart to heart talk with the Lord to a heart cry. I am not sure of the exact day or hour this transition in my prayers began, I just know that I kept pressing in more and more as the needs of the people kept getting greater than we were able to handle. Finally, a break through occurred on Wednesday January 23, 2013. I received an email from Lyudmyla, a member of the Granite Bay Church, saying, “I would like to organize a medical-mission trip to Mexico. I’ve been working on this idea for a while, considered different countries and volunteer-organizations, but after lots of prayers God put on my heart your project.” This was the beginning of a series of emails, phone calls, and many hours of preparation work to get ready for a medical mission team that included nine medical professionals. The Lord had heard the prayers that had ascended from the very first one and in His perfect timing sent help.
What a blessing it was to see each member of the medical mission team come through those doors at the airport. We were all rejoicing to see each other. After arriving in Mazumiapan we unloaded all the luggage and settled in for the night. The next day we got right to work. The team was here for two weeks and by the grace of God we had seven health fairs in seven different villages, made a few house calls, and even had people showing up at our front door for medical assistance. By the end of the two weeks we had served over 800 people, free of charge. Freely we had been given and freely we gave. The naturalist on the medical team opened the mind of many to new ways of healing. The doctor provided health care for many who could not afford it. The dentist relieved those suffering with tooth decay and the nurses attended over and above the number of people who were able to be seen by the other medicals. The need was great, but God is greater and the help that was needed had arrived.
The blessing of God flowed from the moment that email arrived and continues on even after the teams departure. The team had left a good number of reading glasses and as soon as word got out that we had them in our possession people were coming at all hours of the day to try a pair on. Villagers and some of our own church members from other villages who had been impacted by the health fairs were asking to have follow-up health classes and cooking classes in their village. The level of trust and awareness of our presence had grown seven-fold. Well you may be saying, “Tammey that’s great, but it sounds like you have more work now then you had before the mission team arrived.” You are right, but once again God is amazing, for when the mission team was here we were able to train a few people from a nearby village and they have made a commitment to help us tackle the great need here. We are also praying that the Lord will provide a way for the medical mission team to make another visit here sometime this next year.
I thank God for all those who sacrifice their time and money to surrender their God given talents to help those of us here in the mission field. It brings great blessing, encouragement and hope to us and to the people here in Mexico. Blessings to you all!
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