He just smiled and said he was very sorry but there was no other way except to go all the way back and try it again. After doing some deep breathing exercises, we headed over to Veracruz to file our visa paperwork. We did get some good information from the lady behind the desk, but we were not able to complete our paperwork there either. I am reminded of the verse in Romans that says “all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28
We are going into our fourth week of our diabetes class and started it out with a cooking class. We haven’t been able to have a cooking class until now because of all the paperwork and trips to other cities. The house was swept and mopped, the vegetables were ready to be diced, the clock struck 9, but not a soul had arrived. Kate started her laundry, and got most of it done by the time the first guests had arrived. We looked at the amount of food on the counter and how few of our guests had come, and started inviting the neighbors who had diabetes in their family. The neighbors and a few more guests trickled up the stairs to our house just as the last bit of laundry went out on the line. We prepared an inexpensive meal with locally available food with no oil. The food was a big hit. The participants were amazed that food could taste good without oil. After the class, we sent the leftover rice to our neighbor to help feed the twelve kids. Their daughter, Rosa, was one of our neighbors who attended the class to learn how to cook for her diabetic father. Later, that evening, Rosa’s mother came to our gate asking for more samples of the food her daughter had told her about. It was obviously God’s plan that some of the class members weren’t able to come so that our neighbors could see that healthy food can taste good and hear the testimonies of those who are regaining their health. We are rejoicing that two of the participants are off their medication, and that a third one is down to half of the normal dose. Many of them still struggle with drinking water and doing exercise, so please keep our diabetes class in your prayers.
As our first guest for cooking school slowly climbed up the stairs, she called up, “I have good news!” Kate replied, “What’s the good news?” She began to explain that her small group was in Laurel on sabbath along with a small group from Platanar. The small group from Platanar was actually quite large, and they said they had just gone from 20 to 22 members because a husband and wife received a DVD from the ‘gringos’ (white people) and started going there of their own accord. This was indeed exciting news for us to hear, since we knew exactly who she was talking about. We had met him about a month ago in Platanar while waiting in the truck. He was inebriated and stumbled up to the passenger side window and started a conversation with us. He asked what we did, and when we said we were missionaries, the conversation turned to Jesus. He explained to us that he did many bad things and believed that God would never forgive him. Tammey explained to him that there is no sin to big to be forgiven, and that Jesus loved him and wanted him to be saved. Near the end of the conversation, as we gave him the Cosmic Conflict DVD, we were even able to meet his wife. On the way home, Tammey began thinking out loud, saying that many people probably don’t spend much time talking with him because he is local drunk…it will be amazing to see what the Lord does in his life.
Family transportation
Pictures from a recent trip to visit friends
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